Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Favorite Parts of My Day

I have lots of favorite things that happen during my day. I also have lots of not so favorite parts of my day. Like cleaning, laundry, running errands.....but let's not dwell on those things. =) Sometimes I do that though, dwell on the mundane things of my day, and I forget to be happy about the favorite parts of my day. So, I decided to take pictures of my favorite things throughout the day. Here they are:

While I do not enjoy getting up in the morning (just ask my husband...), I do enjoy talking to these two while they eat breakfast before school.

I also enjoy a cup of coffee (and the quiet) after they leave and before Lily gets up. 

I love how this little miss runs down the stairs with a big smile every morning. {When she wakes up in her own. If you wake this one up before she's ready, she's a bit like her Mama...I'm sure this will be fun next year when she goes to school. ;0) } I also love how she jumps on my lap and tells me that she had a good night sleep and just cuddles with me for awhile.

I like to do art projects with Lily during the day too.

And read books and laugh with her.

I enjoy time on Pinterest, facebook, reading, or some sort of just plain old "me" time while Lily plays or draws.

I love seeing these two smiling faces come out to the car after school.

And I really like when this guy walks in the door.

I love having the "What was your favorite part of your day?" part of our dinner routine.

I like tucking in these 3 sweeties and kissing them goodnight.

And I love to spend time with Jeff after the kids are all asleep.

Of course these things don't happen everyday. Lily and I don't always do an elaborate art project and sometimes we don't do them at all. Sometimes I have absolutely no me time until after everyone's in bed. There are times when I have not so happy boys stomping out to my car, and sometimes, that handsome husband of mine is out of town and doesn't come through that door for several days. But then there are days where a lot if not all of these things happen. I just have to remember to enjoy them & be thankful for them when they do happen. =)

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